That gave me an idea: I might actually be able to make money on the rusty pieces! So one of these days, I'm auctioning off original model A nails and two screw-heads, scavered from the rusty pile of parts, I hope to one day call a pick-up! Not to make more money, than to by new ones for the cab-to-be!

I've had some people asking me about, what the big difference in the parts are, since I can't use the cab corners, which I tried to capture below:

It doesn't align, when the door fits in the door post.
Next week is pick-up free wednesday, since I'm helping the piratez building a buck (a wooden skelleton) for a speedster project for one of their metal shaping classes. A rather different project for me, since I'm a metal guy!!
Keep 'em kruzin - and stopping!