lørdag den 18. februar 2012

Subframe 3

My girlfriend wasn't home by 7:30 last night, so I took the chance and went to the Pirate shop, in order to fix the lowering legs for the cowl.
Cut and ready to be welded:

Welded topbrackets and in the straight angle bend:

Testfitting with clamps in order to try the placement of them and the cowl:

They needs some grinding of the weld in order to fit, but the height seems to match the cut in the front.

It was not supposed to be this low, but I think, I might end up liking it like this!

Next thing is to measure for the exact placement, grind the welds, weld the legs to the subframe, and then start fixing the bottom of the cowl, fitting the doors (when they are fix at the bottom), make the roof with the wooden skeleton, and then slowly start the rest of the body, which will be mostly sheet metal work.
Still thinking about fitting a rollbar on the inside of the rear wall - just in case of a crash, it might come in handy!

Keep 'em kruzin!

onsdag den 15. februar 2012

Subframe 2

Today Victor and Malene thought I should have a present, due to a unlucky incident sunday night.

It even included the instructions!
Okay, guys, point taken! I'll be more carefull. And thanks!!!

After that I got a little more work done on the subframe.

But in order to know the length of the legs, I had to decide how much lower I want the cab. And since I couldn't, Victor kept pushing "Just cut at the edge!", and finnaly, so I did:

Thanks to Martin and Victor for leaving the brushes and holding the cowl!

Now I have to decide, if I like it that low, or if Victor should weld the pieces back in!

Keep 'em kruzin!

torsdag den 9. februar 2012


I finally got around to pick up the wooden frames for the cab, so now I'm starting to have the overall measurements cleared up.

The wood, that goes in the back of the cab:

The wood, that goes in the top.

Still needs some of the wood, but the seller didn't have it.

So last night we started on building the subframe, using Tim's subframe for a longer model, so I'll have to shorten it next week.

Keep 'em kruzin!